95 research outputs found

    A video is worth more than 1000 lies. Comparing 3DCNN approaches for detecting deepfakes

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    International audienceManipulated images and videos have become increasingly realistic due to the tremendous progress of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). While technically intriguing , such progress raises a number of social concerns related to the advent and spread of fake information and fake news. Such concerns necessitate the introduction of robust and reliable methods for fake image and video detection. Towards this in this work, we study the ability of state of the art video CNNs including 3D ResNet, 3D ResNeXt, and I3D in detecting manipulated videos. We present related experimental results on videos tampered by four manipulation techniques, as included in the FaceForensics++ dataset. We investigate three scenarios, where the networks are trained to detect (a) all manipulated videos, as well as (b) separately each manipulation technique individually. Finally and deviating from previous works, we conduct cross-manipulation results, where we (c) detect the veracity of videos pertaining to manipulation-techniques not included in the train set. Our findings clearly indicate the need for a better understanding of manipulation methods and the importance of designing algorithms that can successfully generalize onto unknown manipulations

    Soft biometrics systems: Reliability and asymptotic bounds

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    Abstract—This work presents a preliminary statistical analysis on the reliability of soft biometrics systems which employ multiple traits for human identification. The analysis places emphasis on the setting where identification errors occur mainly due to cross-subject interference, i.e., due to the event that subjects share similar facial and body characteristics. Finally asymptotic anal-ysis provides bounds which insightfully interpret this statistical behavior. I

    Gender estimation based on smile-dynamics

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    International audienceAutomated gender estimation has numerous applications including video surveillance, human computer-interaction, anonymous customized advertisement and image retrieval. Most commonly, the underlying algorithms analyze the facial appearance for clues of gender. In this work we propose a novel method for gender estimation, which exploits dynamic features gleaned from smiles and we proceed to show that (a) facial dynamics incorporate clues for gender dimorphism, and (b) that while for adult individuals appearance features are more accurate than dynamic features, for subjects under 18 years old facial dynamics can outperform appearance features. In addition , we fuse proposed dynamics-based approach with state-of-the-art appearance based algorithms, predominantly improving appearance-based gender estimation performance. Results show that smile-dynamics include pertinent and complementary to appearance gender information

    G3AN: Disentangling Appearance and Motion for Video Generation

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    Creating realistic human videos entails the challenge of being able to simultaneously generate both appearance, as well as motion. To tackle this challenge, we introduce G3^{3}AN, a novel spatio-temporal generative model, which seeks to capture the distribution of high dimensional video data and to model appearance and motion in disentangled manner. The latter is achieved by decomposing appearance and motion in a three-stream Generator, where the main stream aims to model spatio-temporal consistency, whereas the two auxiliary streams augment the main stream with multi-scale appearance and motion features, respectively. An extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that our model systematically and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the facial expression datasets MUG and UvA-NEMO, as well as the Weizmann and UCF101 datasets on human action. Additional analysis on the learned latent representations confirms the successful decomposition of appearance and motion. Source code and pre-trained models are publicly available.Comment: CVPR 2020, project link https://wyhsirius.github.io/G3AN

    Semi-supervised Emotion Recognition using Inconsistently Annotated Data

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    International audienceExpression recognition remains challenging, predominantly due to (a) lack of sufficient data, (b) subtle emotion intensity, (c) subjective and inconsistent annotation, as well as due to (d) in-the-wild data containing variations in pose, intensity, and occlusion. To address such challenges in a unified framework, we propose a self-training based semi-supervised convolutional neural network (CNN) framework, which directly addresses the problem of (a) limited data by leveraging information from unannotated samples. Our method uses 'successive label smoothing' to adapt to the subtle expressions and improve the model performance for (b) low-intensity expression samples. Further, we address (c) inconsistent annotations by assigning sample weights during loss computation, thereby ignoring the effect of incorrect ground-truth. We observe significant performance improvement in in-the-wild datasets by leveraging the information from the in-the-lab datasets, related to challenge (d). Associated to that, experiments on four publicly available datasets demonstrate large performance gains in cross-database performance, as well as show that the proposed method achieves to learn different expression intensities, even when trained with categorical samples

    From attributes to faces: a conditional generative network for face generation

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    International audienceRecent advances in computer vision have aimed at extracting and classifying auxiliary biometric information such as age, gender, as well as health attributes, referred to as soft biometrics or attributes. We here seek to explore the inverse problem, namely face generation based on attribute labels, which is of interest due to related applications in law enforcement and entertainment. Particularly, we propose a method based on deep conditional generative adversarial network (DC-GAN), which introduces additional data (e.g., labels) towards determining specific representations of generated images. We present experimental results of the method, trained on the dataset CelebA, and validate these based on two GAN-quality-metrics, as well as based on three face detectors and one commercial off the shelf (COTS) attribute classifier. While these are early results, our findings indicate the method's ability to generate realistic faces from attribute labels

    What else does your biometric data reveal? A survey on soft biometrics

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    International audienceRecent research has explored the possibility of extracting ancillary information from primary biometric traits, viz., face, fingerprints, hand geometry and iris. This ancillary information includes personal attributes such as gender, age, ethnicity, hair color, height, weight, etc. Such attributes are known as soft biometrics and have applications in surveillance and indexing biometric databases. These attributes can be used in a fusion framework to improve the matching accuracy of a primary biometric system (e.g., fusing face with gender information), or can be used to generate qualitative descriptions of an individual (e.g., "young Asian female with dark eyes and brown hair"). The latter is particularly useful in bridging the semantic gap between human and machine descriptions of biometric data. In this paper, we provide an overview of soft biometrics and discuss some of the techniques that have been proposed to extract them from image and video data. We also introduce a taxonomy for organizing and classifying soft biometric attributes, and enumerate the strengths and limitations of these attributes in the context of an operational biometric system. Finally, we discuss open research problems in this field. This survey is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of biometrics

    Impact and Detection of Facial Beautification in Face Recognition: An Overview

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    International audienceFacial beautification induced by plastic surgery, cosmetics or retouching has the ability to substantially alter the appearance of face images. Such types of beautification can negatively affect the accuracy of face recognition systems. In this work, a conceptual categorisation of beautification is presented, relevant scenarios with respect to face recognition are discussed, and related publications are revisited. Additionally, technical considerations and trade-offs of the surveyed methods are summarized along with open issues and challenges in the field. This survey is targeted to provide a comprehensive point of reference for biometric researchers and practitioners working in the field of face recognition, who aim at tackling challenges caused by facial beautification

    Can a smile reveal your gender?

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    International audienceAutomated gender estimation has numerous applications including video surveillance, human computer-interaction, anonymous customized advertisement and image retrieval. Most commonly, the underlying algorithms analyze facial appearance for clues of gender. In this work, we propose a novel approach for gender estimation, based on facial behavior in video-sequences capturing smiling subjects. The proposed behavioral approach quantifies gender dimorphism of facial smiling-behavior and is instrumental in cases of (a) omitted appearance-information (e.g. low resolution due to poor acquisition), (b) gender spoofing (e.g. makeup-based face alteration), as well as can be utilized to (c) improve the performance of appearance-based algorithms, since it provides complementary information. The proposed algorithm extracts spatio-temporal features based on dense trajectories, represented by a set of descriptors encoded by Fisher Vectors. Our results suggest that smile-based features include significant gender-clues. The designed algorithm obtains true gender classification rates of 86.3% for adolescents, significantly outperforming two state-of-the-art appearance-based algorithms (OpenBR and how-old.net), while for adults we obtain true gender classification rates of 91.01%, which is comparably discriminative to the better of these appearance-based algorithms

    Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

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    Recent self-supervised contrastive learning provides an effective approach for unsupervised person re-identification (ReID) by learning invariance from different views (transformed versions) of an input. In this paper, we incorporate a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and a contrastive learning module into one joint training framework. While the GAN provides online data augmentation for contrastive learning, the contrastive module learns view-invariant features for generation. In this context, we propose a mesh-based view generator. Specifically, mesh projections serve as references towards generating novel views of a person. In addition, we propose a view-invariant loss to facilitate contrastive learning between original and generated views. Deviating from previous GAN-based unsupervised ReID methods involving domain adaptation, we do not rely on a labeled source dataset, which makes our method more flexible. Extensive experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods under both, fully unsupervised and unsupervised domain adaptive settings on several large scale ReID datsets.Comment: CVPR 2021. Source code: https://github.com/chenhao2345/GC
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